im marvin mark

hi im marvin mark or xXneedlesmaster97Xx  if  thats what you want to call me

. i was born to this world in 1955 and i have been a

hard working man and father ever since. i raised my two children benjamin and carrie in a good home

where i made sure they would grow up well without any trauma or social issues. when im not fighting to better

society,  im playing the needles in my favorite game which is funkscop. theres not a lot of people there but i hae some friends there

and theyre enough for  me and we are a team together. people make fun of me for being old and still being a gamer, but i find that being a gamer

dad is fun amd helped me connect with my children when they were growing up liking games.



im still working on this page so dont criticize too much